Charity Reporting

Dear friends, thanks to all of you – those who donate, including purchasing the charity cards of Children`s Charitable Foundation Assistance in the chain supermarkets “Tochka” and “Ideal”, on 12 October, 2020, by our Fund were purchased:
– trainer for physical therapy for Odessa school No. 93 for blind children – 3 862.0 UAH.
– injury massage course for Pischanenko Asia (a rare genetic disease Friedreich Ataxia) – 4 000.0 UAH.
– medicines Kvamatel, syringes, gloves, Braun infusomat systems for the department of hematology of Odessa Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital – 5 169.0 UAH.
– medicines for Mishpacha orphanage Odessa – 4 753.0 UAH. – among them – Nurofen, Panadol, Septefril, Ingalipt, Nazivin, Oracept, Otipax and other necessary medicines.
– one more injury massage course for Pischanenko Asia (a rare genetic disease Friedreich Ataxia) – 4 000.0 UAH.
– pampers and food for a three-month-old baby Vasiliy – 1 606.8 UAH.
– school supplies for pupils of Mishpacha orphanage Odessa – 6 667.0 UAH.
– medicines Betargin for Pischanenko Asia (a rare genetic disease Friedreich Ataxia) – 614.0 UAH.
– medical supplies for 10 children with diabetes – 29 068,0 UAH.
– Braun infusomat systems for the department of hematology of Odessa Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital – 4 240.5 UAH.
We thank all of you for your help and assistance! Together we make the world better!
We REMIND that you can also make charitable donation by purchasing cards of our charity Fund in the supermarkets “Tochka” , “Ideal” , Tabakerka – by this way we can help children who need our help and support!