Children’s Charity Fund “Assistance”
Spent money for charity
135217 UAH
We are young, but ambitious Children`s Charitable Foundation. Humanism, empathy and love are the base of our activity. Every day we think about destiny of humanity, but children`s destinies take a special part in our hearts. That`s why in October, 2019 Children`s Charitable Foundation «Assistance» was established. Our mission is giving help to the orphanages, to children with serious diseases, financing of treatments, operations, purchase expensive medicines and medicine equipment, support children in hard life circumstances, organization and financing of the children`s events, and also encouraging talented children`s and youth.
WE WANT TO FILL CHILDREN`S LIFE WITH HAPPINESS! JOIN TO US! Every donation increases chances on recovery and improves quality of children`s life!
We want to fill life
children happiness and joy!
join us!
The number of benefactors increases the chances of
to recover and improve the quality of life of children!
To whom we help - to individuals under the age of 21, as well as legal entities whose activities are aimed at protecting health, social protection and improving the overall life of children.

The history of the Odessa school – boarding school No. 93 for blind children is rooted in the nineteenth century. Today more than 70 children study and live in this educational institution.
Pupils of boarding school No. 93 have big problems with eyes, some of the children see absolutely nothing. Some children grow up without parents – teachers of this boarding school are their main family.
Today, boarding school No. 93 has an extensive list of problems:

Every day, specialists from the hematology department of the Odessa Regional Clinical Hospital treat children with blood diseases.
The department has an acute need for the following medicines:
– Geptral 500 mg- 20 it
– Kvamatel 200mg – 20 it
– Infusion system – 100 it
– Syringes and gloves
For today our Fund has already purchased and given to the hematology department a part of need...

Pischanenko Asiya was born in 2006 year in Odessa.
In 2015, Asiya was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease, Ataxia Friedreich. Because of this disease, girl cannot move and serve herself on her own, while all her intellectual abilities are age-appropriate.
The disease progresses and every day it gets worse. Friedreich’s ataxia, unfortunately, is not treated and leads to diferrent problems and diseases in cardiology, gastroenterology, and surgery.
Asia atten...

The children at Mishpacha Orphanage, boys and girls (about 70 children from 3 to 18 years old), live in two separate buildings. Every morning they go to the Chabad community’s schools. They are integrated in regular classes. No one can distinguish between those from private homes and those from the orphanage. They learn in the kindergarten or school and come “home” everyday to a clean dormitory and housemothers who wait for them. These women feed them, wash their clothes, he...

Anna Badyul
headmaster of Odessa restaurant Jardin

Skopovska Alla

Leonenko Olga
teacher of Odessa Children`s musical school №1

Perminova Eleonora
teacher of Odessa Children`s musical school №1

Rusyaeva Maryna
Headmaster of Odessa Children`s musical school №1
Charity Reporting

Dear friends, thanks to all of you – those who donate, including purchasing the charity cards of Children`s Charitable Foundation Assistance in the chain supermarkets “Tochka” and “Ideal”, on 12 October, 2020, by our Fund were purchased:
– trainer for physical therapy for Odessa school No. 93 for blind children – 3 862.0 UAH.
– injury massage course for Pischanenko Asia (a rare genetic disease Friedreich Ataxia) – 4 000.0 UAH.
– medicines Kvamatel, syringes, gloves, Braun infusomat systems for the department of hematology of Odessa Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital – 5 169.0 UAH.
– medicines for Mishpacha orphanage Odessa – 4 753.0 UAH. – among them – Nurofen, Panadol, Septefril, Ingalipt, Nazivin, Oracept, Otipax and other necessary medicines.
– one more injury massage course for Pischanenko Asia (a rare genetic disease Friedreich Ataxia) – 4 000.0 UAH.
– pampers and food for a three-month-old baby Vasiliy – 1 606.8 UAH.
– school supplies for pupils of Mishpacha orphanage Odessa – 6 667.0 UAH.
– medicines Betargin for Pischanenko Asia (a rare genetic disease Friedreich Ataxia) – 614.0 UAH.
– medical supplies for 10 children with diabetes – 29 068,0 UAH.
– Braun infusomat systems for the department of hematology of Odessa Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital – 4 240.5 UAH.
We thank all of you for your help and assistance! Together we make the world better!
We REMIND that you can also make charitable donation by purchasing cards of our charity Fund in the supermarkets “Tochka” , “Ideal” , Tabakerka – by this way we can help children who need our help and support!